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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Do you know why letters on the keyboard are not arranged properly? It was arranged properly in A, B, C, D order back in olden days. But, now got changed. Let us know the history of the existence of the QWERTY keyboard.

In olden days, when the keyboard wasn’t still invented. The matter was printed using the Type Writing Machine. Earlier, the letters were arranged in order. But, when the typist typed the letter very fast, the buttons got jammed. This is because the buttons are mechanically interconnected with each other. So, when the alphabets are arranged in order, it becomes easy for the typist to type and this fast typing will lead to jamming of the buttons.

In order to overcome this, the second typewriter keyboard was invented in the 1700’s which has A, E, I….Y so in a different order, this was to slow down the typewriting process in order to boycott button jamming. But, the alignment became very difficult for the typewriters and thus there was a need of a keyboard which will be easy to write and let the typewriters speed continue.

In 1800’s a typewriter Lantham invested the QWERTY keypad. The letters are arranged in order that the index finger and the middle finger can easily access the keys. Just type on keyboard you can find that your middle finger and index fingers are actively participating in the typing marathon. And one more interesting thing is that the spelling of the letter TYPEWRITER all are arranged in a single row.

-Krishna (FrontlinesMedia)



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