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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Hacking is not as simple as it is shown in movies or tv shows. It takes a lot of time and effort to hack into digital devices or networks.
Hacking is the process of accessing a device or an entire network with the owner or user being unaware of it, it doesn’t mean that hacking is only used for illicit purposes and there’s some good side too. It is done through cracking of passwords and codes which gives access to the systems. A computer system, an entire LAN network, a website or a social media account can be hacked using password cracking algorithms. But what’s the need to hack? In order to know this, we have to get to know hackers first.

Types of Hackers: 

1. Black hat: These hackers are also known as cracker(s), the motives of these hackers are stealing confidential information from companies, funds from bank accounts, and violating privacy rights for criminal activities.
2. White hat: Also known as ethical hackers, they are recognized and officially stamped hackers whose responsibilities include cracking of codes of illegal or anti-social setups, vulnerability assessment, retrieving crucial data. Ethical hackers are highly trained and are certified professionals.
3. Grey hat: They lie between black hats and white hats. Motive is to reveal the vulnerabilities and weakness of the system’s stakeholders with no fraudulent intent.
4. Hacktivist: They focus on hacking websites and leaving controversial information. Intent is to spread political, social, and religious messages.
Black hat hackers are in huge number across the world compared to other types. In most of the cases, the intent of hacking is to commit some fraud or to cause financial or reputational harm to any individual or an organization.

Types of Hacking: 

Websites are frequently attacked by hackers. Political or social organizations websites are vulnerable to these attacks. Few types in website hacking are:
  1. Virus: Corrupting the information or resources on the website by releasing virus into the files.
  2. Phishing: Replicating an original website. Hackers create a duplicate website which looks similar to its original with the intent of stealing account details, credit card information. Bank websites are often victim to these types of attacks.
  3. UI redress: Creates a fake user interface and redirects its user to a totally different site.
Using VPN (Virtual Private Network) is an effective way to guard your network. It securely covers transmitting and receiving IP addresses and,  prevents any hacker from making unauthorized intrusion.
-Kalyan (FrontlinesMedia)




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