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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Many might have got the doubt why holiday only on Sunday and why not on Monday, Tuesday….Saturday! Here is the answer to that.

First, let us know why we have a holiday on Sunday. Sunday is treated as a holy day for Christians as it is believed that Jesus Christ who left the world on Good Friday came back to earth alive on Sunday. So, the Catholics decided to spare one day in the name of God, do prayers, read the holy bible, and dedicate Sunday to God in their busy schedule. This was the actual story of Sunday being a Holiday.

And how did it come to India? In the 1800s when India was under British Raj, there were many mills where Indians were working very hard 365 days. Whereas, the Britishers who treat Sunday as Holy day took rest on that day. So, the Mill union leader NARAYAN MEGHANJI LOKHANDE protested against the British Raj demanding for a holiday at least one day in a week that is Sunday. The British Raj denied his request and questioned what was the reason for the holiday that they should provide them. Meghanji said that Sunday is treated as a holy day for Goddess KHANDOBA whom they treat sacred. And so, after 10 day-long protests, the British Raj came down and declared Sunday as a Holiday.

This is the story of Sunday, being declared as a Holiday. Keep watching this space for more interesting news and updates in-depth analysis.

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-Krishna (Frontlinesmedia)


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