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President RAMNATH KOVIND opens up on common man’s dissatisfaction on Indian Courts & Jurisdiction

JODHPUR: President Ram Nath Kovind here on Saturday expressed concern over access to justice, saying the judicial process has gone beyond the reach of the common man.

The judicial process has become expensive, even beyond the reach of the common man due to many reasons, especially in the high court and the Supreme Court where it has become impossible for common litigants,” the president said during the inauguration of the newly constructed Rajasthan High Court building.

“Today, can any poor or deprived person come here with his complaint? This question is the most important because, in the Preamble to the Constitution, we all have accepted the responsibility of providing justice to all,” Kovind said.


The president added that Mahatma Gandhi was also concerned about the expenditure incurred in the process of justice. For him, the welfare of the poorest of poor (Daridra Narayana) was always paramount, he said.

“If we keep in mind Gandhiji’s famous criterion, if we remember the face of the poorest and the weakest, then we will see the right path,” Kovind said, adding that one way out was the provision of free legal aid.



Remembering veteran lawyer Ashoke Sen, he said in multiple roles, his sole objective was the pursuit of justice for one and all. He expressed hope that more and more law professionals would draw inspiration from Sen and distribute fruits of their knowledge among the needy.

The president said he was happy to note that the Supreme Court had started making its judgments available in nine regional languages. Information and communication technology could bring amazing results in this domain, he added

What Mr.President is an eye-opener for all the legislature and executive bodies of India? On the day when the DISHA incident happened in Hyderabad, Teku Lakshmi an Adivasi in Komaram Bheem district was raped by a Pakistani origin man. But, neither the media, police, not the people have shown their concern towards that issue. This clearly proves how jurisdiction is served to only a few in the society.

When there is an issue where the common man is suffering, for example, the rapes, the courts take years together for giving judgment. But, when a politician or a Big shot appeals in the court, justice is served within days. This shows how it is becoming impossible to access the courts for the common man. And this is the reason, why many people are demanding immediate actions like Encounter, rather than a systematic judicial procedure.



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