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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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BREXIT deal is the decision of BRITAIN or UK to exit from the European Union. Ireland, Nothern Ireland, Scotland, Britain come under European Union till the past few years. EU is an economic, political partnership of 28 countries.

They trade together. EU nations have currency as Euro but the UNITED KINGDOM has its own currency called POUND. When you are a partner in France, Germany or any other country which comes under the EU, you can travel all the places without any VISA.


The UK was a part of the European Union since 1973. In 1975 a referendum took place you can think it as elections for gathering people decide to stay or get back from the EU. Then 68% of people voted to stay with the EU.

And again in 2015, UK’s general elections a CONSERVATIVE PARTY has put in his manifesto that they would again bring a referendum to let people decide they want to stay with the EU or get back from the EU.

So, people elected the Conservative party demanding to get back from the EU. And now, the UK wants to Exit from the European nation because of different reasons. They are:

-UK has to pay a huge amount of partnership fees for staying in the EU.
-For doing any trade the UK has to undergo many documentation processes.
-The UK has many development aspects but, the Industrial setup decisions were taken by the EU parliament.
-EU allows many immigrants to stay in the EU and gives them many liabilities like free food, shelter, etc and the UK doesn’t want these benefits to be given to those Immigrants.
-UK thought that their economy would improve at double speed as LONDON the world’s financial capital will be in the UK and that the economy can be enjoyed by UK people only.


It is not that easy for the UK to get back from the EU. For understanding these issues you can take the TELANGANA & ANDHRA. BIFURCATION as an example.

For many years people in all, over the EU, came to the UK to work and many people from the EU are working in the UK government and many UK people are working in different EU nations. So, both UK & EU should look after those employment issues.

The other thing is trade relations until now the UK has set up many industries in all the EU nations and after bifurcation, the UK has to make many deals to do business in foreign countries.

One more issue is the border issues, just like INDIA & PAKISTAN, there are dealings going on in between UK, Ireland, and Northern Ireland borders.

And there are of course many issues to address like security, health, visa issues. So, the deadline UK & EU kept for solving these issues is 2022. And for getting out of the EU, the UK has to pay 39 billion pounds.

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