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BANKING & IT (Time and Distance)

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BANKING & IT (Time and Distance)

Question 1 of 28.

How many minutes Raman will take to cover a distance of 400 meters if he runs at a speed of 20 km/hr ?

1. 2 mins
2. 1.5min
3. 1â…• mins
4. 2.5 mins


⇒ Raman's speed = 20 km/hr = 20 × 5/18 = 50/9 m/sec

⇒ 400 × 9/50 = 1⅕ mins


Question 2 of 28.

John travelled from his town to city. John went to city by bicycle at the speed of 25 km/h and came back at the speed of 4 km/h. If John took 5 hours and 48 min to complete his journey, what is the distance between town and city ?

1. 15 km
2. 22 km
3. 20 km
4. 25km


⇒ Average speed of John = 2xy/x+y =  2 × 25 × 4 / 25 + 4= 200/29 km/h

⇒ Distance traveled = Speed × Time = 200/29 × 29/5 = 40 Km

⇒ Distance between city and town = 40/2 = 20 km


Question 3 of 28.

Speed of a train is 20 meters per second. It can cross a pole in 10 seconds. What is the length of train ?

1. 150km
2. 250km
3. 200km
4. 300m


Lenght of train = 20 × 10 = 200 meters


Question 4 of 28.

In a kilometer race, A beats B by 100 meters. B beats C by 100 meters. By how much meters does A beat C in the same race ?

1. 200m
2. 180m
3. 190m
4. 210m


⇒ While A covers 1000 meters, B can cover 900 meters

⇒ While B covers 1000 meters, C can cover 900 meters

⇒ Lets assume that all three of them are running same race. So when B runs 900 meters, C can run 900 × 9/10 =810

⇒ So A can beat C by 190 meters.


Question 5 of 28.

A train passes through a telegraph post in 9 seconds moving with a speed of 54 km per hour. The length of the train is

1. 135 metres
2. 125m
3. 145m
4. None


Length of the train = Speed of the train  ✕ Time taken in crossing the post

Question 6 of 28.

Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 km/hr and including stoppages, it is 45 km/hr. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour?

1. 9
2. 10
3. 12
4. 20


Due to stoppages, it covers 9km less per hour.

Time is taken to cover 9 km = (9/54×60)min

= 10 min

So, the bus stops for 10 min. per hr.



Question 7 of 28.

Walking at the rate of 4 kmph a man cover certain distance in 2 hr 45 min. Running at a speed of 16.5 kmph the man will cover the same distance in.

1. 12min
2. 25min
3. 40min
4. 60min


Distance = Speed × time


Here time = 2hr 45 min = 114 hr


Distance = 4×114=11 km


New Speed =16.5 kmph


Therefore time = DS=1116.5=40 min



Question 8 of 28.

8.A train can travel 50% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time and reach point B 75 kms away from A at the same time. On the way, however, the train lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is:

1. 100kmph
2. 110kmph
3. 120kmph
4. 130kmph
Question 9 of 28.

Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages, it is 45 kmph. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour?

1. 9
2. 10
3. 12
4. 20
Question 10 of 28.

The speed of a car increases by 2 kms after every one hour. If the distance travelling in the first one hour was 35 kms. what was the total distance travelled in 12 hours?

1. 456kms
2. 482kms
3. 552kms
4. 556kms


Total distance travelled in 12 hours    =(35+37+39+.....upto 12 terms)

This is an A.P with first term, a=35, number of terms,

n= 12,d=2.

Required distance    = 12/2[2 x 35+{12-1) x 2]


= 552 kms.


Question 11 of 28.

A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 m. The thief starts running and the policeman chases him. The thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 km and 11 km per hour respectively. What is the distance between them after 6 minutes?

1. 100m
2. 150m
3. 190m
4. 200m


Relative speed of the thief and policeman  =  (11 – 10) km/hr = 1 km/hr 


Distance covered in 6 minutes  = (1/60) x 6 km   = 1/10 km = 100 m


Therefore, Distance between the thief and policeman = (200 – 100) m = 100 m.


Question 12 of 28.

How long will a boy take to run round a square field of side 35 meters, If he runs at the rate of 9 km/hr?

1. 50SEC
2. 52SEC
3. 54SEC
4. 56SEC


Speed = 9 km/hr = 9 x (5/18) m/sec = 5/2 m/sec   


Distance = (35 x 4) m = 140 m.


Time taken = 140 x (2/5) sec= 56 sec


Question 13 of 28.

A man walking at the rate of 5 km/hr crosses a bridge in 15 minutes. The length of the bridge (in metres) is

1. 600
2. 700
3. 1000
4. 1250


speed    = (5x5/18)m/sec

             = 25/18 m/sec.



Distance covered in 15 minutes    = (25/18 x 15 x 60)m

                                                 = 1250 m.


Question 14 of 28.

Akash leaves mumbai at 6 am and reaches Bangalore at 10 am . Prakash leaves Bangalore at 8 am and reaches Mumbai at 11:30 am. At what time do they cross each other?

1. 10AM
2. 8.32AM
3. 8.56AM
4. 9.20AM


Time taken by Akash = 4 h


Time taken by Prakash = 3.5 h


For your convenience take the product of times taken by both as a distance.


Then  the distance = 14km


Since, Akash covers half of the distance  in 2 hours(i.e at 8 am)


Now, the rest half (i.e 7 km) will be coverd by both prakash and akash


Time taken by them = 7/7.5 = 56 min


Thus , they will cross each other at  8 : 56am.


Question 15 of 28.

A man reaches his office 20 min late, if he walks from his home at 3 km per hour and reaches 30 min early if he walks 4 km per hour. How far is his office from his house ?

1. 20km
2. 16km
3. 14km
4. 10km


Let distance = x km.

Time taken at 3 kmph : dist/speed = x/3 = 20 min late.

time taken at 4 kmph : x/4 = 30 min earlier

difference between time taken : 30-(-20) = 50 mins = 50/60 hours.

x/3- x/4 = 50/60

x/12 = 5/6

x = 10 km.


Question 16 of 28.

The price .............but, I doubt whether it will remain so.

1. will go down
2. went down
3. was going down
4. has gone down
Question 17 of 28.

Add question tag, Iam lucky,...........

1. are I
2. aren't I
3. am I
Question 18 of 28.

Teachers are very important to the society because they help.........the new generation.

1. bring up
2. look after
3. take after
Question 19 of 28.

Do you still .........Tennis on sunday?

1. playing
2. played
3. play
Question 20 of 28.

Iam on good.......... with all my former boyfriends.

1. friends
2. relations
3. terms
Question 21 of 28.

..........Ram and Ravi.........the rules?

1. were, knowing
2. are, knowing
3. do, know
4. does, knows
Question 22 of 28.

If we hadn't .............for the journey on time, we would not be here yet.

1. set out
2. set up
3. set in
4. set over
Question 23 of 28. to tea.

1. prefers
2. preferring
3. prefer
Question 24 of 28.

A is B's sister. C is B's mother. D is C's father. E is D's mother. Then, how is A related to D?

1. Grand Father
2. Grand Mother
3. Daughter
4. Grand Daughter

Grand Daughter

A is the sister of B and B is the daughter of C. So, A is the daughter of C. Also, D is the father of C. So, A is the granddaughter of D.

Question 25 of 28.

In a family, there are six members A, B, C, D, E and F. A and B are a married couple, A being the male member. D is the only son of C, who is the brother of A. E is the sister of D. B is the daughter-in-law of F, whose husband has died. How is E related to C ?

1. sister
2. Daughter
3. cousin
4. mother


A is a male and married to B. So, A is the husband and B is the wife. C is the brother of A. D is the son of C. E. who is the sister of D will be the daughter of C. B is the daughter-in-law of F whose husband has died means F is the mother of A. Clearly. E is the daughter of C.

Question 26 of 28.

Pointing to a girl in the photograph, Amar said, "Her mother's brother is the only son of my mother's father." How is the girl's mother related to Amar ?

1. Mother
2. sister
3. aunt
4. Grand Mother


Only son of Amar's mother's father — Amar's maternal uncle. So, the girl's maternal uncle is Arnar's maternal uncle. Thus, the girl's mother is Amar's aunt.

Question 27 of 28.

Q is the brother of R; P is the sister of Q; T is the brother of S; S is the daughter of R. Who are the cousins of Q ?

1. R & P
2. P & T
3. Q & T
4. S & T

S & T

T is the brother of S, who is the daughter of R. So, T and S are the children of R. Now. Q is the brother of R. So, T and S are the cousins of Q.

Question 28 of 28.

Pointing to a man in a photograph. Asha said. "His mother's only daughter is my mother." How is Asha related to that man ?

1. Nephew
2. sister
3. wife
4. niece


Asha's mother's mother is man's mother i.e.. A.sha's mother is man's sister or Asita is man's niece.

Next question 1 of 28

All 28 questions completed!

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BANKING & IT (Time and Distance)

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