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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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Android 10 – Android Q – Google Android Operating System

Google has released its latest version of the Android Operating System – Android 10. We all know that Google names its Android versions after desserts. What do you think they might have named this one – Quiche, Queen of Puddings, Quindim? Everything sounds strange, right? That is the reason why Google ditched dessert names for Android Q.

They just named it as Android 10 and they also redesigned their logo. Now the robot just has its head. As Android is popular all around the world and all the desserts aren’t, Google wanted to name its latest Android version using numbers. This will also help users to know if they have the latest version.

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 New Gestures:

Android started using gesture navigation from Android Pie, the predecessor of Android 10. This has been changed and made even simpler now. The back button has been removed, you can now swipe from the edge to go back instead. This is similar to other user interfaces like MIUI.

Dark Mode and Focus Mode:

Android finally comes up with a system-wide dark mode. This will help reduce the strain on the eyes.  This is what users have been waiting for, now you can it on or off from the notification panel.

There is also new Focus mode, which lets you pick few apps that distract you with notifications, once focus mode is turned on, all the notifications from apps you selected are hidden, letting you focus on the other apps.

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Live Caption:

One other interesting feature that was launched with Android 10 is Live Captions which provides real-time captions to any media playing on your phone like videos, podcasts and even those media that are locally recorded on your phone. This feature doesn’t even require data or Wi-Fi connection to work. Isn’t that cool?

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Smart Replies:

Android 10 brings a Smart reply, a feature that looks similar to Smart Reply in Gmail. This suggests responses that you can give to messages from your friends and family and also recommends actions based on message, for example, suggests you open Google Maps, if you receive a message that has an address in it.


Android 10 brings changes to the permissions that the user gives to apps. This helps give more control to users on how an app can use the data. For example, location access can now be given all the time or just when the app is being used.

Android 10 gives better support to 5G phones and foldable phones. There is also a new Family link feature which gives parents the control over what children are seeing in their phones and also tracks the time they are spending on each app.



What do you think of the new features introduced in Android 10? Also, do you think Google did a good thing by getting rid of dessert names? Do let us know in the comments.

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