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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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The Honorable President of India has signed an ordinance under Article 123 of the Indian constitution to extend the inner line permit requirement for Manipur to reduce tensions in the state regarding the citizenship amendment bill 2019.


It is an official document that allows an INDIAN CITIZEN to visit the protected areas. Issued by the state government.


It is the same as the inner line permit system, here the beneficiaries are Non-Indian citizens or foreigners.

Why an Indian citizen needs a separate permit to visit places in their own country? How this system originated in the first place? Let’s get an insight into these aspects.

History of the ILP system:

The concept has its origins in the colonial era. Under the Bengal Eastern Frontier Regulation Act,1873, the British framed regulations restricting the entry and regulating the stay of outsiders in these designated areas. This was to protect the crown’s own commercial interests by preventing ‘ British subjects ‘ from trading within these regions.

After Independence, in 1950, the Indian government replaced ‘ British subjects’ with citizens of India. And now apply to Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, and Nagaland ( except  Dimapur).

Manipur was also in this system. But later removed in 1950.

Why this system?

1. Ethno-cultural identity: These states have their own distinct culture, traditions, and social values. It is to protect these values and their unique identity the ILP system still prevails.

2. By the ILP system, the government can prevent the flow of illegal migrants from the neighboring countries and maintain peace and stability in these areas.

As the central government sensed a rise in anxiety regarding the citizenship amendment bill and to stop turning the situation violent in Manipur, the ordinance has been brought out by the central government in Manipur.

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