Home Daily Trends Coronavirus(Covid19) : An Analysis Why Andhra Pradesh Is Less Affected than Telangana

Coronavirus(Covid19) : An Analysis Why Andhra Pradesh Is Less Affected than Telangana


First of all, let us congratulate each other on having less positive cases in this hugely populated country.  6 crores populated Italy has 65000 positive cases and 7000 deaths. 2.5 crore populated Australia has 2000 positive cases and 400 deaths. Now I think you will get a clear idea of how India is doing well when compared to all other developed nations. Now let us discuss the situation in our Telugu states.

Telangana positive case number is nearing 40, whereas Andhra Pradesh is nearing 15 positive cases. Here is an analysis from a doctor about why and how the cases are less in Andhra Pradesh when compared to Telangana.

The first and foremost reason is the lack of International Airport in Andhrapradesh. As we know, there are no big International airports in Andhra Pradesh. Only Vizag has International connectivity that too for Singapore and Malaysia. Whereas Hyderabad has a huge International Airport which has connectivity to all parts of the world. The Covid19 crisis started in the month of November 2019. But, Telangana only started restricting travelers from Feb 28th. So, that means the infects are already moving inside the territory of Telangana from then.

The situation is not the same in Andhra Pradesh. As said above, only Vizag has International connectivity and the positive cases in Vizag prove that. The other thing is the Grama Volunteer facility in AP. Already the government has found out the NRIs who came to the state and Grama Volunteers involved in gathering and forwarding this information to the PHCs and the Doctors.

But, when we talk about the Infrastructure, AP is not that rich compared to Telangana. So, Telangana is able to handle this epidemic whereas if the same impact exists in AP, the situation may not be handled because of less infrastructure. By tomorrow AP government will complete its home to home survey of foreign returnees. So, this might get the situation into control.

So, from the above analysis, we can say that the underdevelopment in Andhra state has helped it a lot in controlling the spread of disease. Special applause is required for the Grama Volunteers system who are working on tracking and testing the foreign return citizen.




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